
The Reversed Engineered "Me" (Version 2.0)

Learning to Learn Using Active Recall

One of the things I’ve wrestled with, academically, is recalling the things I’ve learned and moving beyond the “starting point.” If you are a fellow programmer, you can most likely attest to the times when you’ve sat at your desk, staring at the blank page of your text editor, fingers lightly and subconsciously tapping away at the keyboard as you struggle to recall that method, syntax, or concept. This struggle to recall is pretty normal (and common) in an industry that is filled with constantly evolving tools and technologies.

Why I Decided to Learn Software Development

As a child, I was overly fascinated by technology and how things worked “under the hood.” In amazement, I would take things apart, marvel at its inner workings while challenging myself to put it back together again. Around the age of nine, I received an unexpected and much-welcomed gift. My very own personal computer! I’d like to think of this as the place in time where it all began. This moment was surely the most defining and pivotal in my young life. No longer would I have to wait for schooldays to use the equipment in the computer lab. Thanks to the attentiveness and observation of wonderful parents, I could finally explore the world of technology from my home and let my imagination soar to new heights.